Friday, February 8, 2013


Yes, Life is a big journey. Of course, you all knew that already. It has been over 5 years since I began this blog with the intent of keeping up with people...perhaps, sharing some thoughts and ideas. 
Well...that wonderful, joy-filled, energy-draining, happy, exciting, sad, overwhelming journey called life really got in the way. I am back again with a brand new agenda. I'm not sure it is necessary here to review the last 5 years of life. That would take a long time. The abridged version is dad is now cancer free, but still dealing with some health issues that require assistance. My three adult children are working hard at life for themselves and I could not be more proud of them! I have three beautiful, life-giving grandchildren, a son-in-law that is a perfect fit for our well as three people who are pretty special that I think will be members of our family as well. I was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and lost a kidney in June 2011. That is where perhaps my journey sort of picks up now...

I no longer have cancer! And, yes, I should be jumping with joy and doing the happy dance! However, since I was proclaimed cancer free, I have been sick! I can't ever seem to catch a long enough break to enjoy myself. I have had kidney stones, a torn ureter that required surgical reconstruction, and one infection complication after another. I don't know what the answer is. I don't know what it feels like to move forward physically any more. I guess over the last 20 months every part of my being has taken a hard hit. I have been out of balance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

It is time to reclaim some balance. And it's not going to happen until I take some forward-moving steps. I MUST take back some control. I don't mean that like it sounds - I know and believe that God is in control. I guess the correct word would be responsibility. I need to be responsible  to take some necessary steps in order to gain back some strength and build up my immune system. 

It is true - I am one of the lucky ones. I did not need chemo. However, my body has been through one trauma after another the past 20 months and it is time to get better. That doesn't sound quite right either...I have done everything I could possibly do to get better. Some days, it was just making getting through the next hour a priority. Now that I am in a place where the latest infection has quieted, I resolve to focus on a new path. 

In order to make this happen, I feel like I need to invite other into my journey. Not that I have not had support because I have some pretty amazing people standing beside me in body and spirit! But this will invite you to encourage, support and scold evil thoughts away when necessary! :)
I know if I don't tell anyone and I attempt to get healthy on my own, I will also eventually sabotage myself through exhaustion, boredom, frustration or negative self-talk. 

I plan to begin phase 1 of The Maker's Diet so my body can rest and detox a bit. Then I will begin an exercise program where I can be accountable. 

So, if you are reading this, join me as I run toward new health!!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to My First Post!!

Hi Friends,
this is all new to me, but I thought I would join the technological world! Perhaps this is a good way to keep up with friends and family and they can keep up if me as well!
Life has been a bit difficult dad was just diagnosed with Lymphoma. Not easy considering we just lost my mom to Ovarian Cancer this past December. One thing I do know is that God is bigger than any of this!!! And He is already the victor in my life. I have worked for the last several months on Trust and God has been faithful to keep teaching me!
Hope everyone who visits my blog will leave comments. Looking forward to sharing and hearing about you!